Welcome to GameSmith
"Boys never outgrow their toys"
My name is Dave Smith, and I have been enjoying this hobby for over 35 years now. About 15 years ago, I had an active website called MiniWars, where I shared my interests with others. As things go with hobbies, time became a premium, and I had to cancel that website and move on with real world stuff. I got into the ancient gaming scene at the insistence and persuasion of one of KC's founding father's of gaming, Scott Newberry [RIP]. Scottie was an icon in the KC area, for bringing people into the hobby. His shop 'Yankee Doodle', was a place for all of us to hang out and talk 'shop'. Sadly, he passed a few months ago, and will certainly be missed by all those who knew him. I hope to sponsor a Scott Newberry Memorial tourney next year, in our awesome local gaming shop, TableTop Game and Hobbies. Check it out. Phil [proprietor] is a great guy, and he can stand next to Scott in having a positive impact in the KC hobby scene.
With the advent of 'Blogging', the expense and time decreased, and it has allowed me to start this blog, where I hope to share my hobby with others. Giving back seems more fun than receiving.
My primary [almost exclusive] interest at the moment is with ancient wargaming. Ancients covers a period from roughly 2000BC to the late 15th Century. Rules sets that I have used in the past and enjoyed, included WAB, Armati, DBM, FoG, and now ADLG. [If you are unfamiliar with the acronyms, Google them or give me a shout].
It gives us an opportunity to research, paint and game with hundreds of different armies, and some fun and exotic troop types, like elephants, chariots, knights, barbarians and of course, the legions from Rome.
[Part of my 15mm Timurid army]
I started my ancients gaming with WRG 6th Edition. Our group called HASA, which was an acronym for Heart of America Society of Ancients, met regularly at Scott's shop to game. This was really before the popularity of tournament gaming, but we had lots of competition within our club. I remember vividly, that one of our members fielded a Mongol army, and just rode rough shod over most of us. It prompted me to buy, paint and field an Avar army, with a good dose of EHC, Bow, Lance, Regular and Irregular B's. [Those that gamed in those days will know the terminology-for others, just know that they were a very good troop type]. 😀 We always gamed in 25mm [true], and Scott referred to it as 'The Gentleman's Scale' . It was the best of times. Sadly, many of the founding fathers of HASA have gone to the great convention in the hereafter. They will always be a part of me.
So, I will try and recreate a little of MiniWars with this blog, and give you some insights into my ancients gaming. This will include tournament action, that I hope to participate, in starting this year. I used to make a couple of national tourneys a year, and a couple of regional ones. Also, we always had 1 or 2 in the KC area. I hope to bring a couple of tourneys to KC in the coming years.